Sunday, July 26, 2009

2:38 p.m.

Today is Monday which means that in Texas it is Sunday, and I just want to say to all of you hungover college students (or perhaps adults, I'm not judging) that you should get yourself to the nearest breakfast taco place and consume as many as you can. Do it for me, thanks.

Really, I should just open up a breakfast taco stand here, I'd probably make a killing as that is something seriously missing in this town.

My weekend was nothing super exciting to blog about, to be honest it was pretty much a blur of alcohol. I'm paying for it today though and am determined to get my body back in working condition this week by chalking up the vitamins, hitting the gym, and eating nutritiously in general. I did, however, pull myself together enough on Saturday afternoon to head down to Oriental Bay and take a walk along the shore as the sun was setting. That was lovely, there were lots of seagulls and big sail boats coming into port in front of a landscape of mountains, quite picturesque. My ipod added a pretty sweet soundtrack of Cafe Del Mar which accented it brilliantly, so that was time well spent. I really love this city, it's got everything. Besides a taco stand, but I already addressed that.
That's a picture of Oriental Bay. You can tell I didn't take it because of how good it is.

If you're wondering, no, this blog entry has no structure or focus. I just finished my biology test early and I've got an hour to kill. I finally got my student ID today so I guess that makes me officially a real person. Hmmm.

Oh, I know, I will tell you about New Zealand television, you're interested in some of the culture differences, right? We'll start with TV because I'm American.

New Zealand, I guess thanks to their high tax rates, cranks out a LOT of public service announcements. The domestic violence ones are particularly intense/uncomfortable, and make it awkward to carry on a conversation in the room after the screaming and the beating. I realize that these are perhaps effective and a good strategy, but they're really good at bringing me down. Come on people, stop beating each other up so I can enjoy Who Wants to be a Millionaire in peace. I'll see if I can find it for you.

...I can't find it online, but take my word for it, it's depressing.

Speaking of, they say that domestic violence in New Zealand goes up 200% when the All Blacks lose. That's one of those statistics that is hard to react to because it's terribly sad, but so ridiculous that it's hard not to laugh. Don't laugh though, or you're a bad person.

I seem to listen to a disproportionately high level of country music when I'm overseas. Alabama's "Song of the South" has been a favorite lately. It's funny how the stuff you hate becomes nostalgic enough to attract you as time goes by.

I thought that today was going to be a bad day when I woke up because I seriously didn't want to when my alarm went off this morning. And then I had to cram for a biology test which I had forgotten about because I still haven't bought a calendar, and blackboard wasn't letting me on to access the lecture slides, and it was raining. But then blackboard started working and it stopped raining and I did pretty well on my test. So I changed my mind, today is a good day.

Also I have a chicken nuggets date with my roommates tonight. They're actually going to get 12 dollar all you can eat pizza, but I'm not really into pizza at the moment so I'll just get some chicken.

Oh, pizza. The main pizza place here is called Hell's Pizza and their logo is like this devil guy, and all of their pizzas are named after one of the seven deadly sins, which I find to be a very clever marketing strategy.

My favorite, and the most popular, is lust. It's weird though, it doesn't even have pizza sauce on it, it has BARBEQUE sauce. How weird is that? So weird. But surprisingly delicious. Try it at home sometime.

Oh- here's something that annoys me, the sinks here. This is what our sink looks like:

Hot on the left, cold on the right. This is the worst idea I've ever encountered because you have 2 choices, scalding or freezing. There is no "warm" faucet. So when I wash my face I cup my hands and fill them with freezing water and then add a little bit of scalding water in an attempt to get a decent compromise. If I designed sinks I would make faucets with adjustable temperatures. And I'm sure there is some reason behind these annoying sinks, like they're eco friendly or something. I haven't looked into it, but they suck.

Anyway, sorry that this post doesn't have any of my snazzy photography or fun media additives, and that it just consists of my random stream of thoughts, but I'm not on my computer so I don't really have anything more to offer you.



Campbell said...

I have 3 points today:

1) We have a fairly free-market, and it is reasonably easy to establish a business (see here, prior to 2006 we were ranked the most business friendly), and people are aware of mexican food here, so the reason a breakfast taco place doesn't is because there isn't enough demand to sustain one. So no, you wont make a killing.

2) Hell did a campaign a while ago where they sent out branded condoms to advertise the Lust pizza. A bunch of super-christian groups complained.

3) Your faucets suck. of the 4 sinks I have in my house, 3 have mixer ones. The bath also has one.

Denise said...

I grew up with sinks like that. In the "olden days" they were all like that.

alice :) said...

its because your house is funny and old that u have funny and old sinks!! my flat has them too, i have learnt to wash hands quickly before the temp burns me haha. joys of flatting!

Colleen said...

I totally know what you mean about the being away from home makes you love the crap you'd normally hate. I knew Belgium was getting me when Brooks and Dunn could bring tears to my

I'm loving your blog, by the way. I hope that if I ever choose to blog in the future due to some exciting voyage overseas it will be half as good as yours.

Bess said...

Oh, Maggie! I love this. Please keep writing. You make me want to run away to New Zealand!

Aaron said...

You're right, I could totally see an ad like this (or that statistic you gave) being part of an SNL skit or fake ad or something. But, yeah, not funny. And I'm a bad person. So those numbers are really high, yeah? Or are they the norm anywhere and it's just way more focused on a tiny island? It seems like they're high. What about movies? What's in theaters at the moment? I really hope they have one theater that plays LOTR on an unending loop for all of eternity.