Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rice Crispy Dreamin'

First of all, happy 29th anniversary to my parents! I'm very glad that you decided to get married and that you are still married, and I hope that I will be able to find what you two have because it's absolutely beautiful. Love you both.

Well, it's a ridiculous hour in the morning for me to be up and blogging, but I volunteered to show up at school this morning at 7:30 to put fliers in the lecture halls for Amnesty.

I'm really happy I found a group here on campus because they've got a lot going on and I really like being involved with something besides just school and binge drinking (that's a joke. really.).

This week is Amnesty's Freedom Week across the world and so we're busy all week raising awareness about child soldiers. This Friday we're hosting a big reggae concert at this venue downtown called Bodega to raise money for Amnesty, so my Friday is planned and that should be fun. Also some of the members are dressing in full camo all week with the theme "I wear camo so kids in combat don't have to" which is a neat idea for grabbing attention but I did not volunteer to do that because I'm too vain and uncommitted to the cause...?

Whatever, I got up BEFORE THE SUN to put up fliers!

Today is the bake sale, and last night after a lovely dinner with my friends David and Emma's family I whipped up some rice crispy treats, an American staple. I grabbed the only bag of marshmallows that I could find at the super market and they were pink and white but I was just like "whatever. these will work." Come to find out that they are raspberry and vanilla flavored and that they don't even have just regular old sugar and fat marshmallows! Gross, who eats berry flavored marshmallows? That's wrong.

So long story short, I spent most of the night trying to get melted marshmallow off of me (I don't even know how it got all the way up my sweater sleeve) and the kitchen, and the final product is an odd pinkish flesh tone and tastes slightly of Children's Motrin, but it'll do.

That's sort of what they looked like except with no sprinkles and way less pretty.

I have had a sore throat the last couple days so I'm heading to the doctor this morning at 11. I stopped into the health center this morning to make my appointment and I asked for a couple bandaids to give me some relief from my new shoes and she said, "we can't give you bandaids." What kind of useless doctor's office doesn't have bandaids? Anyway, hopefully I'm not tragically ill, but I'd be lying if I said that having an excuse to watch movies all day and eat tomato soup (for which I have a new found love) wasn't appealing. I got these cords yesterday that hook up my laptop video and sound to our TV so I don't need a DVD player I can just play it all through my computer to the television. Neat.

I have some good pictures from my rompings this weekend which I will share with you when I get home, but I'm in the library right now so I'm unable to add them at the moment. You'll just have to wait.

P.S. I can't believe I'm missing Shark Week. Make it a great one for me!

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