Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cheese and Whine?

I wish that the time difference wasn't there because it's annoying that I can't skype people too late in the afternoon without waking them.
I'm a little stressed out today because:
1.I skipped 2 classes for really no reason. (I'll be fine without being there, I think, but it's lazy and uncalled for).
2. Paul Shelton (a great friend from home) is coming to Wellington for a week to visit before he heads further north to do farming. This would not be something stressful as I was quite ecstatic to hear the news, but I realized today that he is arriving 2 days into my 2 week break from school, and I was planning to be gone traveling the south island during that time, so I might not even get to see him which is heart breaking because seeing someone from home is something I think I could really use right now (it helps with the homesickness so much, seeing Kelsey Wilkinson in London during my last exchange was exactly what I needed at the time and was so great).
3. I still don't have solid plans for the break and everything being up in the air is rather bothersome.
4. I'm trying to buy a car but I'm too freaked out to go test drive and get inspections done on my own and begging other people to go with me is something I do not like doing. Why am I buying a car if I'm too scared to drive it? stressss
5. I miss home and because of being busy and poor time differences, calling is difficult. New Zealand is so wonderful, but Texas will always be home and I love my friends and family there so much. The homesickness is being eased by the amazing company I keep here in New Zealand, most of the people I've met have been so great and helpful. Plus, David has become like my brother and his sister Emma and I have grown extremely close as well. His parents have basically adopted me so I've been really lucky to find a second family in Wellington, it makes it all so much easier.
6. I haven't been to the gym in a long time. Must go tonight.
7. Started a research paper which means school is real. Bummer.
8. I think I'm out of things that are stressing me out... listing things always helps though so I feel better.

Tomorrow I am going to look at a car (and another one on Wednesday I believe) and then I have an Amnesty meeting to review all of our work from Freedom Week last week. Last week's activities really went superbly. I tabled a lot on the quad at school and sitting at a table talking to people about Amnesty is a really effective way to meet people, I'm glad I joined Amnesty right at the height of its activity because I think I've met a lot of people through it. Friday night we hosted a concert with like 5 reggae fusion type bands, and we were really nervous because nobody was buying tickets in advance, but then over 400 people showed up and it was incredible! I danced a lot, so that's always good. Anyway, it was 10 bucks a ticket so I know that we raised a LOT of money. Yay!

This weekend I'm going on a road trip with a big group of people to New Plymouth, I don't know what to expect really but I'm about to crack open my Rough Guide (half priced from when Intellectual Property went under, sad) to read up. Check it out, it would be really beautiful:

I hope you all have a great week!

update// My ipod died on the way to the gym and theres nothing more boring than a musicless treadmill, so instead I just explored the neighborhood a little more (which is in itself a workout with the crazy hills here) and I enjoyed it very much. Annie Hall in its entirety being on Youtube and the chicken cashew masala with rice that I'm making both also have me in a better mood.

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