Monday, September 21, 2009

Smile, it's Monday!

So today was decent, for a Monday.
Slept through my first class, but I didn't feel nearly as badly about that as I probably should have.
Also, they think my roommate, Steven, has Swine Flu. I will keep you posted and try to keep my distance.
Guess what? Only 3 more Mondays and then I am finished with this semester. That's nuts. Their semesters are 12 weeks long. That's it! So short! I wasn't sure what I'd do with myself between the dates of October 15th and January 8th when I leave, but I'm really hoping that a trip to the Great Barrier Reef works out, and that I'll get to finish a couple books for pleasure, so I'm looking forward to it.

Today I startled myself somewhat. As I was passing a man walking down the street, I noticed that he had a huge smile on his face. He wasn't on the phone or walking with anyone, he was by himself, smiling really big. I found myself wondering if he had a mental disability.
Then I realized how sad that is, that we're all so caught up in what needs to be done and the tasks and annoyances of the day, we find someone who is very happy for no apparent reason to have something wrong with him. I decided that I needed to work on smiling more.
So until next time, think happy thoughts.


Denise Ray said...

Poor Steven....make him some chicken soup. And you and Matt wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.

Unknown said...

I used your July photo of the manhole cover to make a 12x12 mini quilt. You can see my photos at

I hope you'll take more manhole photos. You can send them to me if you don't want to blog about them.
Thanks for the inspiration!